Dear Mr. Andropov,
My name is Samantha Smith. I am ten years old. Congratulations on your new job.
I have been worrying about Russia and the United States getting into a nuclear war. Are you going to vote to have a war or not?
If you aren’t please tell me how you are going to help to not have a war. This question you do not have to answer, but I would like to know why you want to conquer the world or at least our country. God made the world for us to live together in peace and not to fight.
Samantha Smith
Tuan Andropov yang terhormat.
Nama saya Samantha Smith. Usia saya sepuluh tahun. Kepada Tuan, saya ucapkan selamat atas tugas baru Tuan.
Saya khawatir Amerika dan Uni Soviet terlibat dalam perang nuklir. Karena itu, perkenankan saya bertanya kepada Tuan. Apakah Tuan akan menyatakan persetujuan untuk berperang ataukah tidak?
Jika tidak, tolong beritahu saya bagaimana Tuan akan menjaga agar tidak terjadi peperangan? Pertanyaan saya ini tidak perlu Tuan jawab, tapi saya ingin mengetahui mengapa Tuan hendak menaklukkan dunia atau setidaknya negara kami? Tuhan menciptakan dunia untuk kita hidup bersama dalam damai, bukan untuk berperang.
Dengan hormat
Samantha Smith
Demikian isi surat Samantha, tidak begitu panjang memang tapi di dalamnya mengandung pesan yang teramat berharga, sebuah pesan dari dunia kejernihan yang membuat hati sang pemimpin Uni Soviet luluh.
Membaca surat tersebut, Yuri Andropov, sang Pemimpin Uni Soviet begitu tersentuh dan dia pun menulis surat balasan, berjanji menegakkan perdamaian.
Samantha Sayang…
Engkau mengatakan kalau Engkau khawatir akan terjadi perang nuklir antar dua negara kita. Dan Engkau menanyakan, apakah kami akan melakukan sesuatu agar perang tidak pecah, Saya akan menjawabnya dengan serius dan jujur.
Samantha, kami di Soviet berusaha melakukan apa saja agar tidak terjadi perang di dunia. Rakyat Uni Soviet sangat tahu betapa mengerikan perang itu. Hari ini kami sangat ingin hidup damai dan tentu saja dengan negara besar seperti Amerika.
Di Amerika dan di negara kami, terdapat senjata nuklir, senjata mengerikan yang dapat membunuh jutaan orang dalam sekejap. Namun, kami tidak ingin menggunakannya. Itulah sebabnya Soviet dengan sungguh-sungguh menyatakan kepada seluruh dunia bahwa tidak akan menggunakan perang nuklir melawan negara manapun.
Menjawab pertanyaan kedua-mu, “Mengapa kami ingin menyatakan perang melawan seluruh dunia atau setidaknya Amerika?” Kami tidak ingin melakukan hal itu. Negara kami tidak menginginkan hal itu. Negara kami tidak menginginkan perang besar ataupun kecil. Kami ingin damai. Kami ingin damai untuk rakyat kami sendiri dan untuk seluruh rakyat di dunia. Untuk anak-anak kami dan untuk kamu, Samantha.
Terima kasih untuk suratmu. Semoga kamu berhasil dalam kehidupan masa muda.
I received your letter, which is like many others that have reached me recently from your country and from other countries around the world.
It seems to me—I can tell by your letter—that you are a courageous and honest girl, resembling Becky, the friend of Tom Sawyer in the famous book of your compatriot Mark Twain. This book is well known and loved in our country by all boys and girls.
You write that you are anxious about whether there will be a nuclear war between our two countries. And you ask are we doing anything so that war will not break out.
Your question is the most important of those that every thinking man can pose. I will reply to you seriously and honestly.
Yes, Samantha, we in the Soviet Union are trying to do everything so that there will not be war on Earth. This is what every Soviet man wants. This is what the great founder of our state, Vladimir Lenin, taught us.
Soviet people well know what a terrible thing war is. Forty-two years ago, Nazi Germany which strove for supremacy over the whole world, attacked our country, burned and destroyed many thousands of our towns and villages, killed millions of Soviet men, women and children.
In that war, which ended with our victory, we were in alliance with the United States: together we fought for the liberation of many people from the Nazi invaders. I hope that you know about this from your history lessons in school. And today we want very much to live in peace, to trade and cooperate with all our neighbors on this earth—with those far away and those near by. And certainly with such a great country as the United States of America.
In America and in our country there are nuclear weapons—terrible weapons that can kill millions of people in an instant. But we do not want them to be ever used. That’s precisely why the Soviet Union solemnly declared throughout the entire world that never—never—will it use nuclear weapons first against any country. In general we propose to discontinue further production of them and to proceed to the abolition of all the stockpiles on earth.
It seems to me that this is a sufficient answer to your second question: “Why do you want to wage war against the whole world or at least the United States?” We want nothing of the kind. No one in our country—neither workers, peasants, writers nor doctors, neither grown-ups nor children, nor members of the government—want either a big or “little” war.
We want peace—there is something that we are occupied with: growing wheat, building and inventing, writing books and flying into space. We want peace for ourselves and for all peoples of the planet. For our children and for you, Samantha.
I invite you, if your parents will let you, to come to our country, the best time being this summer. You will find out about our country, meet with your contemporaries, visit an international children’s camp—”Artek”—on the sea. And see for yourself: in the Soviet Union, everyone is for peace and friendship among peoples.
Thank you for your letter. I wish you all the best in your young life.
Y. Andropov
Di dua negara adidaya yang sedang berseteru, seorang pemimpin negara dan anak kecil berusia 10 tahun menjalin persahabatan atas dasar cinta dan perdamaian.
Oleh Andropov, Samantha bahkan sempat di undang ke Moskow, lalu diajak berkeliling menikmati pemandangan negara itu.
Kini Samantha telah tiada, dua tahun kemudian, dalam sebuah kecelakaan pesawat dia meninggal dunia. Meski demikian, apa yang telah dia lakukan menjadi sebuah kenangan indah. Kenangan yang susah dilepaskan dari ingatan penduduk Amerika, bahkan penduduk dunia sampai saat ini.
Kepada dunia, Samantha telah menitipkan pesan yang berharga bahwa dalam kondisi apapun kedamaian di bumi ini harus tetap dijaga.
“Tuhan menciptakan dunia untuk kita hidup bersama dalam damai, bukan untuk berperang.” Demikian tutur Samantha.
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